State-Of-The-Art Services Functional Software
Testing Solutions

Functional Testing

Functional testing ensures that software meets its functional requirements across various levels of detail. With years of experience, we have developed a multi-level API and UI functional testing for solving varying technological and architectural complexities.

We are proficient in setting up test processes and conducting testing activities in projects managed according to a variety of methodologies, including:

  • Agile Family: Scrum and customizations
  • Waterfall Family: Waterfall, Customized RUP, V-model, Iterative development, MSF

Our Approach to Functional Testing

We commence testing at the beginning of the software development process, encompassing three main stages:

1. Requirements Analysis and Clarification

  • Our specialists seamlessly integrate into your project team to prevent unclear requirements.
  • The testing team delves into project scope and specifics, drafting the test strategy

2. Test Planning and Test Design

  • Drafting a detailed test plan reviewed and approved by stakeholders.
  • Test design involves writing test cases/checklists according to the test plan and consolidating them into a test case document.
  • Prep measures include setting up a balanced strategy with an optimal mix of manual and automated testing.
  • Creation and approval of the test plan, test case document, test environment, and test data.

3. Stabilizing data fetching and storage

  • Test execution relies on the prepared test data and test environment, following the test case document and the test plan.
  • Defect reporting involves submitting all detected defects to the preferred defect tracking system, followed by exploratory testing.
  • Test reporting includes results such as executed tests, results, defects found, and defect validation.
  • Regression testing ensures that end-to-end functionality of the application is fully achieved.
  • Preparation of the test summary report to provide a comprehensive view of product quality.

Reporting and Bug Tracking Specifics

We ensure transparency and control over the testing process by delivering a comprehensive set of test documentation, including checklists, test plan, test cases, test results report, and Quality KPI.

Our team utilizes industry standard bug tracking and task management systems such as Atlassian Jira, LogiGear TrackGear, HP Quality Center, Bugzilla, and Rational ClearQuest. We are open to using bug tracking tools of your preference.

We Deliver what we commit

Through our functional testing services, we have assisted multiple industries in order to achieve top-quality digital products within time and budget. Our strategic approach encompasses the following

  • Avoiding expensive rework by detecting system hurdles at early project stages.
  • Reducing time between releases and developers’ idle time during testing.
  • Saving up to 700 man-hours per iteration through automated testing.
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